Building and Testing Solutions

This section describes how to build and test solutions using rules_contest.

What is a solution?

A solution is a program that solves a programming contest problem. To prepare programming contest problems, contest organizers typically write two or more solutions to each problem. One of the solutions is used as a reference solution to generate expected answers to test cases, and other solutions are used to verify correctness of the solutions by comparing their outputs.

What is a judge?

A judge is a program that takes a solution program as an input and evaluates it. Typically a judge has an associated dataset and runs a solution program for each test case, but how to evaluate a solution is entirely up to judges.

Simple judge

In the most classical type of programming contest problems, a solution program reads a test case from the standard input, writes an answer to the standard output, and a judge compares the output with a reference solution’s output to determine if the solution is correct.

simple_judge rule generates a simple judge program from a dataset containing inputs and answers, and optionally a comparator program. A simple judge runs a solution for each test case and determines if a program output matches with an answer by running the specified comparator program. If no comparator is specified, the default exact comparator is used.

A simple judge optionally accepts a command line flag --expect that specifies the expectation of a solution.




A solution is accepted for all test cases (default)


A solution is rejected for any one of test cases


A solution is rejected for all test cases


Interactive judge

In an interactive problem, a solution interacts with a server program via standard input/output to solve an online problem.

interactive_judge rule generates an interactive judge program from a dataset containing inputs and a server program. For each test case in the dataset, an interactive judge starts a solution and the server in parallel and connects their standard input and output for bi-directional interaction. A solution is considered to pass a test case if the server program exits normally (exit code 0).

An interactive judge also optionally accepts the same command line flag --expect as a simple judge.


Testing solutions

solution_test is a test rule that runs a judge against a solution. On executing a judge program, the path to the specified solution program is passed as a command line argument. A test is considered pass if the judge program exits normally (exit code 0). You can also specify extra arguments to pass to the judge program to control a judge program’s behavior.
